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A Gold Coast surf club will receive a six-figure sponsorship over the next five years after a deal with Sydney based development firm Sammut Developments.
The contribution comes after the development firm lodged an application with the Gold Coast City Council to develop a neighbouring land site. The proposed development is for a $200 million luxury apartment complex, to be named Coast. The contribution by Sammut will help finance the BMD Northcliffe Surf Life Saving Club’s activities. The club supports swim and surf safety across one of Australia’s most popular stretches of patrolled beach.

President of the BMD Northcliffe Surf Live Saving Club, David Shields, said the club was proud to announce the partnership. “This is a very welcome contribution from a developer who will be bringing new residents into the community with its new project, Coast,” he said. “We look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship with Sammut Group as the company prepares to build and one which we hope will continue for many years to come.”

Australian Ironwoman Champion, Georgia Miller, said it was great to have corporate contributions that supported surf safety on such a busy beach.“Local surf clubs are volunteer organisations and need all the support they can get to ensure both the protection of our beachgoers and financial support to maintaining and improving surf craft and equipment to ensure everyone’s safety,” she said.

Allen Sammut, Director of Sammut Group said the company is committed to supporting local communities, charities and various organisations. “BMD Northcliffe Surf Club is an institution on the central Gold Coast and we were very keen to be able to assist a local community organisation that is so important to the neighbourhood,” he said. “The support from the surf club about our project has been overwhelming! In conversation with local residents and businesses, the sponsorship opportunity came up and seemed to be a perfect fit.
“The realisation of Coast will see a higher level of attraction to the area and we hope our ongoing contribution will assist in the safety of all those who visit Northcliffe beach” said Mr Sammut.
Coast – the luxury apartment complex – promises to deliver resort style living to the Gold Coast.
The design boasts lifestyle amenities including a wrap-around wet edge pool featuring views that stretch across the beautiful coastline. The development also has plans for sky gardens, beachfront entertainment rooms and bbq spaces.
This will be Sammut’s first Queensland development. This switch to the sunshine state comes after Sammut’s long track record in NSW. They have especially had a presence in the beachside Sydney suburb of Cronulla. Developments there include Drift, Nautilus, Breeze, Loft and Banc.